JIN You-Xin

CV in Chinese

研究员,中科院生化与细胞所分子生物学国家重点实验室主任。1966年毕业于南京大学生物系,1981年在中科院上海生化所研究生毕业并获硕士学位,1989年被聘为副研究员,1993年晋升为研究员,1994年被批准为博士生导师。曾在美国南加大从事研究2年(Research Associate, 1986~1988),在法国CNRS酶学实验室短期合作研究 (Visiting Professor,1995)。目前兼任所学术委员会副主任,中国生物化学与分子生物学会理事,RNA专业委员会负责人,《生物化学与生物物理学报》常务编委、《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》编委。第九届上海市政协委员。多年来,一直从事生物化学研究,主持或参与负责十多个国家或省部级研究项目,发表文章70多篇,获中科院自然科学二等奖和三等奖各1项。指导培养博士生8名、硕士生4名、博士后2名并代(协)带博士生10名、硕士生4名。



Recent Papers:

Xu Feng, Chen Xianglong, Xin Li, Chen Li, Jin You-xin, Wang De-bao. Species-specific differences in the operational RNA code for aminoacylation of tRNATrp. Nucleic Acids Research,2001, 29:4125-4133

Jing Liu, Rehuan Xu, Youxin JIN, Debao Wang. Triplex targeting of human PDGF-B(c-sis,proto-oncogene)promoter specifically inhibits factors binding and PDGF-B transcription. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001,29(3): 783-791

Yu-Ping Gong, Wei-guo Han, Jing Liu, You-Xin Jin, Ren-Rong OuYang Synergistic effects of verapamail and anti-mdr1 ribozyme on reversion of multidrug resistance in the P-glycoprotein-positive K562 cell line. Leukemia. 2001:696-697

Ren-Huan Xu, Jing Liu, Xian-Wen Chen, Feng Xu, Qing Xie, Hong Yu, Qing Guo, Xia-Qiu Zhou, You-Xin Jin. Ribozyme-mediated Inhibition of Caspase-3 Activity Reduces Apoptosis Induced by 6-Hydroxydopamine in PC12 Cells. Brain Research. 2001,899(1-2):10-19

Feng Xu, Ge Jiang, Wei Li, Xinxia He, You-xin Jin and Wang De-bao. Three G·C base pairs required for the efficient aminoacylation of tRNATry by tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase from Bacillus subtilis. Biochemistry, 2002, 41:8087-8092. (4.221)

Jie Jia, Feng Xu, Xianglong Chen, Li Chen, You-xin Jin and Wang De-bao. Two essential regions for tRNA recognition in Bacillus subtilis tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase. Biochem. J, 2002, 365:749-756. (4.28)